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Re: [tlug] Copyright and preserving TLUG presentations [was: ...How to Grok Logs]

2012/6/18 Braoult <>:

> On 2012/06/18, at 9:41, Attila Kinali <> wrote:
>> I dont really understand you. For one thing you want to get help, but
>> you dont want to do anything for it.
> Why do you pretend that? There are two different subjects: Sharing and discussing. I forgot about sharing, this is fine.

Wow, we are talking past each other.

Bruno, we are very much for sharing information in TLUG. Why else
would we be here? The reason we can't just hand over a stack of
materials to you for sharing with your new LUG is primarily that we
simply don't have the stack of materials. The secondary issue, as
Steve has pointed out, is that we don't own the copyright, and thus
permission would have to be obtained from each original presenter
before you can post your translations on your LUG's website.

If you want to post translations, you will need to:
1. Obtain the presentation materials
2. Obtain permission to post them

In order to do each of these things, you will need to contact the
presenter. There's no way around this. TLUG is not standing in your
way, and Edward has even offered to help you.

So please don't think that we're anti-sharing. We simply aren't.


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