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Re: [tlug] Wanna see my open source project? (Was:Thunderbird RSS different from FireFox?)

On Fri, 2008-08-15 at 12:01 +0900, Dave M G wrote:
> Well, it ain't pretty, but it does work... mostly... kind of...

I haven't looked at it yet, but I will.

> Largely because I'm a control freak. Also because the other systems 
> didn't do what I wanted.

In the open source and free software communities, those are both very
valid reasons to create a new one.  :P  Perhaps the first more than the

> By the way, I've narrowed down the cookie/header problem to somewhere 
> within the scripts that try to determine if the browser accepts cookies. 
> Largely I assume mobile phones don't and desktops do. 

In the long run that will cause you problems.  A better method may be to
offer it a test cookie then try to read the test cookie.  Most of my
cell phones have supported cookies so far.


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