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Re: [tlug] Can I make a subdirectory of localhost behave like a root directory for a site?

Dave M G wrote:
> However, I also had a few PHP and HTML files that weren't associated
> with any web site, not in any subdirectory. Just files for testing
> scripts and whatnot.
> Now that I've set up some subdirectories to behave as web sites, I can
> no longer access these other files. If I go to http://localhost, it
> defaults to the first of the virtual web sites I have.
> Now that I'm mapping some directories to behave like web sites, do I
> have to do that for any files I want to access through my local Apache
> server? Or have I made a mistake somewhere that is making the first in
> the list of web sites be the default for localhost?


Where are these "files for testing located"? Once you know this check
your apache configuration to see if you have a DocumentRoot directive
that points to that location. e.g If your testing files are in /var/www
then you should have something like this in you config: DocumentRoot

You may have inadvertently deleted your default DocumentRoot when you
implemented virtual directories. The way I have mine setup is to use sub
domains (or fake domains) for most virtual hosts: e.g.

NameVirtualHost *
<VirtualHost *>
 DocumentRoot /var/www/main


<VirtualHost *>
  DocumentRoot /var/www/work


If you do not want to setup your own local DNS server then put entries
in your /etc/hosts file and ensure files comes before dns in your
/etc/nsswitch.conf file (e.g.  hosts:          files dns)

This way you can test your multiple sites out using the "real" URLs. For
example if you had two clients: and you would
setup your hosts file as such:

Now with the appropriate virtual hosts setup you can work with and locally.

Regards, Keith

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