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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]Re: [tlug] Baby Steps for Command Line Backups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- Date: Wed, 05 Jul 2006 23:44:09 +0900
- From: "Stephen J. Turnbull" <>
- Subject: Re: [tlug] Baby Steps for Command Line Backups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- References: <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <>
- Organization: The XEmacs Project
- User-agent: Gnus/5.1007 (Gnus v5.10.7) XEmacs/21.5-b27 (linux)
>>>>> "Jim" == Jim <> writes: Jim> Alain Hoang <> wrote: >> I've found using RCS is a decent way to track configuration >> file changes over time. If anyone has smarter methods I'm >> always happy to hear new ideas. With the advent of git and darcs, RCS is now (finally!) obsolete. RCS has the great advantage that it's independent of a separate server, and if you have a bunch of version-controlled files in a directory and want to move them or copy them, you just tar them up and send them off. Well, git and darcs have the same advantage. git is of course the Official Source Code Manager of the Revolution, er, Linux kernel, and some CoolTools[tm] like gitk (it shows the version graph while browsing the repo). darcs has a truly superior UI, plus an interesting abstraction called the Theory of Patches. But neither git nor darcs makes any more requirements of the user than rcs does. (Well, git is pretty immature and hackish, but you can get away with the same number of commands with git as with rcs.) If you're already using RCS, the advantages of switching are small, but perceptible: 1. Unify the UI with your version-controlled large projects. 2. Subsystems like X11 or rc.d have multiple, interrelated config files, and modern SCMs keep related changes together across files. Jim> After super simple backups with cp, one should learn tar Jim> next. You mean like "tar -C here -cf - | tar -C there -xf -" instead of "cp -a here there"? The big advantage to using a version control program is that they encourage documentation (except RCS derivatives) with the "-m" flag. Ie, if you don't give -m with darcs or git (and maybe arch), they'll fire up an editor at you. tar and cp are no help with the WTFDIDAY (what the fuck did I do and why) problem. (Of course RCS, CVS, and Subversion permit the -m flag, but they don't discipline you to it.) Sure, you can use diff, but the version control programs provide a convenient interface to that, and have the advantage that you don't have to keep explicit copies of the base versions around. Here's the git version of Al's tutorial: Method 1. cd /etc/X11 2. git init-db # only once per tree # you keep the subdirectories in # the same repo 3. git add xorg.conf 4. git commit -m "Import" xorg.conf 5. Edit xorg.conf with some changes. 6. git commit -m "This is what I did." xorg.conf 7. Test to see if changes worked. 8. If changes did not work go to step 5. 9. git tag 1024x1280-works-ok For darcs, just s/git/darcs/. Note the micro-commit at step 6---this is best practice. Commit early, commit often. It doesn't matter for config file tweaking, but in more complex development, or team environments, often you want to be able to separate out controversial from routine changes, and make each change coherent. git makes reshuffling your microcommits easy; darcs makes teasing apart a bunch of unrelated changes into a small number of "clean changesets" easy. -- School of Systems and Information Engineering University of Tsukuba Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN Ask not how you can "do" free software business; ask what your business can "do for" free software.
- Follow-Ups:
- References:
- Re: [tlug] Which X Driver for VIA Chipset Micro ATX?
- From: Jim
- Re: [tlug] Which X Driver for VIA Chipset Micro ATX?
- From: Joseph Essertier
- Re: [tlug] Which X Driver for VIA Chipset Micro ATX?
- From: Jim
- Re: [tlug] Which X Driver for VIA Chipset Micro ATX?
- From: Joseph Essertier
- Re: [tlug] Which X Driver for VIA Chipset Micro ATX?
- From: Jim
- Re: [tlug] Which X Driver for VIA Chipset Micro ATX?
- From: Stephen J. Turnbull
- Re: [tlug] Which X Driver for VIA Chipset Micro ATX?
- From: Joseph Essertier
- Re: [tlug] Which X Driver for VIA Chipset Micro ATX?
- From: Jim
- Re: [tlug] Which X Driver for VIA Chipset Micro ATX? [SOLVED]
- From: essertier
- [tlug] Which X Driver for VIA Chipset Micro ATX?
- From: Jim
- Re: [tlug] Which X Driver for VIA Chipset Micro ATX?
- From: Joseph Essertier
- Re: [tlug] Which X Driver for VIA Chipset Micro ATX?
- From: Stephen J. Turnbull
- Re: [tlug] Which X Driver for VIA Chipset Micro ATX? [SOLVED]
- From: essertier
- [tlug] Command Line is Good to Learn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(was Re: Which X Driver for VIA Chipset Micro ATX? [SOLVED])
- From: Jim
- Re: [tlug] Command Line is Good to Learn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(was Re: Which X Driver for VIA Chipset Micro ATX? [SOLVED])
- From: Alain Hoang
- [tlug] Baby Steps for Command Line Backups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (was Re: Command Line is Good to Learn)
- From: Jim
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