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Re: [tlug] Which X Driver for VIA Chipset Micro ATX? [SOLVED]

On Wed, 2006-07-05 at 13:57 +0900, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> >>>>> "Joseph" == Joseph Essertier <> writes:
>     Joseph> adjust my screen resolution to 1280 x 1024
> Try the program xvidtune

I don't know why it worked, but this time, unlike before I re-installed
using the vesa driver, when I simply edited the XF86Config-4 file and
added "1280x1024" to the disply section, and restarted, presto!  The
screen is sharp and clear, and photos look great!

I also installed anthy successfully.  Talk about progress in a short
period of time.  Total satisfaction so far with this distribution.

I checked the vertical and horizontal thing (PC input?) and the numbers
are both in the middle of the acceptable ranges, so I don't have to
worry about anything breaking, correct?


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