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Re: [tlug] Free program translates Euro languages to/from English

Shawn wrote:

> You may have noticed much head nodding or short "listening" sounds or
> rephrasing of what was just said done by the listener.  It builds
> rapport between speakers when one shows they are following what the
> other has to say.
> We Americans usually build rapport by trying add to the topic under
> discussion (and actually often changing the topic through questions).

Interesting.  I hadn't thought about it in those terms.  It would be
easy to criticize the American style as being merely a selfish
over-eagerness to air one's own views, but I do think it's often
intended to show that one is genuinely engaged in the conversation.

 > In intercultural communication then we have a mismatch where Japanese
> people don't feel American are listening because Americans (well most
> English speakers) don't use the same devices to show they are
> listening.  

Boy, tell me about it.  My wife gets pretty irritated if I don't throw
enough 「はい」s into the conversation.  I'm always getting the old 「聞

> Of course, both American and Japanese people learn the game and
> expectations . . . 

I guess I'm still learning. . .


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