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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]Re: [tlug] Slooooooow down: logs, smartctl, DNS?
- Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2011 00:19:46 +0900
- From: Dave M G <>
- Subject: Re: [tlug] Slooooooow down: logs, smartctl, DNS?
- References: <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <>
- User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101208 Thunderbird/3.1.7
Stephen, Mario, Thank you for responding. Mario De Tore wrote: > If you have the time and spare cable(s) it might be worth swapping out > a segment at a time. Hmmm... you think it could be a bad wire? I'm willing to try that. There are only two relevant ethernet cables. One from the Mythbuntu (server) machine to the router, and the other from my usual workstation (client) to the router. I'll give it a go and report back. > If you are feeling really plucky you could also > ratchet down your MTU to try and improve throughput, but I advise > against that unless you are really comfortable playing around in that > area Since I have no idea what an MTU is, I'm going to assume I should heed your warning and not touch it. > I gave up on the NFS traffic for now. I have a note below about NFS. > All I could figure out is that > you have a very eclectic collection of music. : ) > None of this explains the large amount of TCP connections you reported > earlier though. Was this capture from that same box? The capture was from the Mythbuntu (server) box. At the time I was running Amarok via SSH as described previously. I only have two boxes relevant to this. The Mythbuntu box I'm connecting to, and my usual computer that I connect from (and that I'm writing this email from, and do pretty much everything else with). A couple of other notes about current status: I thought Deja Dup might be the problem, simply by reviewing what I've changed recently since this problem started. Deja Dup was having crashing problems so I reinstalled it and changed some configurations roughly around when this problem started. I removed it, and that seems to have helped, but not solved, the delay. I think it might have been a secondary problem on top of the main problem described in this thread. At the top of this thread, I reported wait times of about 15 seconds. I have to admit that now that I'm watching the situation closely, it isn't usually quite that bad, though it has been that bad roughly three times within the last three days. Usually, like right now as I write this, it's just slow enough to be totally frustrating. I click on a menu or interface, and it doesn't respond. I become unsure if it registered the click. So I click again. And then it seems to suddenly register both clicks, opening and closing whatever dialogue I hope for so fast that I can't access it. In other words, most of the time there's some kind of delay or irregular communication which is just off enough to drive me completely nuts. The problem is much worse with anything requiring a GUI. Amarok particularly, but also Firefox, Transmission, and Synaptic. The problem is much less noticeable if I'm just working in a terminal doing command line things. I can tell there's a little delay between keystroke and response, but it's fast enough to at least be operational. Also, the NFS connection, which I use to navigate directories with Nautilus, seems to be fine now (possibly as a result of removing Deja Dup, which does a lot of file crawling). So this may be limited to just SSH. I hope some of this information can lead to a solution. Thanks for any help or suggestions. -- Dave M G
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] Slooooooow down: logs, smartctl, DNS? [SOLVED?]
- From: Dave M G
- References:
- [tlug] Slooooooow down
- From: Dave M G
- Re: [tlug] Slooooooow down: logs, smartctl, DNS?
- From: jep200404
- Re: [tlug] Slooooooow down: logs, smartctl, DNS?
- From: Dave M G
- Re: [tlug] Slooooooow down: logs, smartctl, DNS?
- From: Romeo Theriault
- Re: [tlug] Slooooooow down: logs, smartctl, DNS?
- From: Dave M G
- Re: [tlug] Slooooooow down: logs, smartctl, DNS?
- From: Darren Cook
- Re: [tlug] Slooooooow down: logs, smartctl, DNS?
- From: Dave M G
- Re: [tlug] Slooooooow down: logs, smartctl, DNS?
- From: Christian Horn
- Re: [tlug] Slooooooow down: logs, smartctl, DNS?
- From: mariod410
- Re: [tlug] Slooooooow down: logs, smartctl, DNS?
- From: Dave M G
- Re: [tlug] Slooooooow down: logs, smartctl, DNS?
- From: Mario De Tore
- Re: [tlug] Slooooooow down: logs, smartctl, DNS?
- From: Stephen J. Turnbull
- Re: [tlug] Slooooooow down: logs, smartctl, DNS?
- From: Mario De Tore
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