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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]Re: [tlug] VT100 Display Capability in Email (Re: Rendering HTMLEmail)
- Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 21:58:00 +0900
- From: "Stephen J. Turnbull" <>
- Subject: Re: [tlug] VT100 Display Capability in Email (Re: Rendering HTMLEmail)
- References: <><><><><><> <><><><><>
- Organization: The XEmacs Project
- User-agent: Gnus/5.1007 (Gnus v5.10.7) XEmacs/21.5-b24 (dandelion, linux)
>>>>> "bruno" == bruno raoult <> writes: bruno> And to finish, I totally disagree with this statement "HTML bruno> is great for web pages and poor for email". Explain this to bruno> my father. Geek rule, not real life, IMHO... Hey, just because your father prefers an outer circle of Hell to the inner ones doesn't mean he's in Heaven! I see your point about non-geek users, of course. But the fact that hundreds of millions find HTML in email "trendy" or hard to avoid doesn't make it good. -- School of Systems and Information Engineering University of Tsukuba Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN Ask not how you can "do" free software business; ask what your business can "do for" free software.
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] VT100 Display Capability in Email (Re: Rendering HTMLEmail)
- From: bruno raoult
- References:
- [tlug] Threaded email readers
- From: sjs
- Re: [tlug] Threaded email readers
- From: sjs
- Re: [tlug] Threaded email readers
- From: Stephen J. Turnbull
- Re: [tlug] Threaded email readers
- From: sjs
- Re: [tlug] Threaded email readers
- From: Jim
- Re: [tlug] Threaded email readers
- From: Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon
- Re: [tlug] Threaded email readers
- From: Botond Botyanszki
- Rendering HTML Email (Re: [tlug] Threaded email readers)
- From: Jim
- Re: Rendering HTML Email (Re: [tlug] Threaded email readers)
- From: bruno raoult
- [tlug] VT100 Display Capability in Email (Re: Rendering HTML Email)
- From: Jim
- Re: [tlug] VT100 Display Capability in Email (Re: Rendering HTMLEmail)
- From: bruno raoult
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