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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]Re: [tlug] IBM R30 Laptop Issues
- Date: Sat, 26 Nov 2005 14:57:16 +0900
- From: "Stephen J. Turnbull" <>
- Subject: Re: [tlug] IBM R30 Laptop Issues
- References: <> <> <> <> <> <> <>
- Organization: The XEmacs Project
- User-agent: Gnus/5.1007 (Gnus v5.10.7) XEmacs/21.5-b23 (daikon, linux)
>>>>> "Lyle" == Lyle Saxon <Lyle> writes: Lyle> don't they use gold for parts of IC chips, etc? For the connections to the package. That's because of its ductility (is that the right word?)---it doesn't tend to fatigue and break due to vibration or shock. Being an excellent conductor also is good but IIRC secondary in this application. Lyle> Anyway - about aluminum. The thing that occurred to me is Lyle> that while I know it's a good conductor, I seem to remember Lyle> something about it easily oxidizing and the coating of Lyle> oxidation can in fact make it a bad conductor (by surface Lyle> contact, not internally), so you may have been on the right Lyle> track after all.... Right. The noble metals, like the noble gases, are called that because they don't mix with lower elements. Gold and platinum don't oxidize easily at all, silver tarnishes but is easily cleaned. It is precisely the oxidation of aluminum that makes it a good container for carbonated soft drinks; aluminum oxide is almost as inert as helium. So I guess the thing to do is rip the top off the Coke can, and make contact with the exposed edges! -- School of Systems and Information Engineering University of Tsukuba Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN Ask not how you can "do" free software business; ask what your business can "do for" free software.
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] IBM R30 Laptop Issues
- From: Ian Wells
- References:
- [tlug] IBM R30 Laptop Issues
- From: Mark Sargent
- Re: [tlug] IBM R30 Laptop Issues
- From: Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon
- Re: [tlug] IBM R30 Laptop Issues
- From: Mark Sargent
- Re: [tlug] IBM R30 Laptop Issues
- From: Jim
- Re: [tlug] IBM R30 Laptop Issues
- From: Josh Glover
- Re: [tlug] IBM R30 Laptop Issues
- From: Josh Glover
- Re: [tlug] IBM R30 Laptop Issues
- From: Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon
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