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Re: [tlug] Japanese Encoding / 9.1-9.3 Upgrade

>>>>> "Lyle" == Lyle Saxon <Lyle> writes:

    Lyle> Based on that, I would wonder if there is something wrong
    Lyle> with Apacer memory.  Any experiences with it out there?

Bad memory apparently comes in batches.  I know from complaints on
Sheflug (UK) that pretty much no brand is immune, and (at least in
England) the famous companies (Toshiba, Samsung, et al) had a habit of
dumping batches with high failure rates on the hobbyist stores, and
saving the high quality batches for industrial customers.

Makes sense if you think about it.  Anyway, my guess is that if you
get a bad stick or two, you might want to switch brands for a while.

School of Systems and Information Engineering
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