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Re: [tlug] Japanese Encoding / 9.1-9.3 Upgrade

>>>>> "Lyle" == Lyle Saxon <Lyle> writes:

    Lyle> Is there some explanation for these somewhere?

"You don't want to know."

But I'm gonna tell you anyway!

tcode is a somewhat rationalized direct code entry method.  Basically
it's equivalent to memorizing the JIS code table.  The fact that it's
offered in the GUI menu is strong evidence that the keisatsu have been
entirely unsuccessful in stamping out crack distribution among
Japanese hackers.  As Groucho Marx didn't say, "anyone who would want
to join that club is (a) already a member and (b) shouldn't be allowed
out in public except on a leash."

ISTR TUT code is something along the same lines.  I'm surprised they
don't offer "4-corners" or Nelson codes....

SKK is the "single kana-kanji" conversion method.  Unlike most
phonetic methods, it requires romaji entry.  The idea is that you type
capital letters to indicate the beginning of the yomi of a single
kanji.  Same editorial as for tcode, except that SKK users are
housebroken and don't need to be on leashes.  (Yes, I used to know
some tcode, and still can use SKK in a pinch.  Does that give you a
clue as to the appropriate audience for these methods? ;-)

anthy is a standard somewhat grammar-based phonetic entry method, like
MSIME, Kotoeri, ATOK, WNN, Canna, or SJ3 (an ancient competitor to Wnn
distributed with X11R5).  Ie, suitable for use by ordinary educated
Japanese, and gaijin who know enough to not wear Army boots on the

I don't know enough about anthy, M17N-*, or UIM to guess what the
differences are, but M17N-* and UIM are one level of abstraction up
from anthy et al (they are "front ends" into which the henkan "back
ends" can be plugged).

School of Systems and Information Engineering
University of Tsukuba                    Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
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