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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]Re: [tlug] empty rows (PostgreSQL)
- Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 21:51:16 +0900
- From: "Stephen J. Turnbull" <>
- Subject: Re: [tlug] empty rows (PostgreSQL)
- References: <><><><> <><> <><>
- Organization: The XEmacs Project
- User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) XEmacs/21.5 (chestnut, linux)
>>>>> "Edward" == Edward Wright <> writes: >> Hmm ... I see it as relevant, but mostly because this list >> isn't really about Linux (which is a kernel) or even about the >> GNU System with Linux as the kernel, but about real >> sysadmin'ing for the masses. Edward> Ok. But how wide do you cast your definition? Even though Edward> there is overlap, I don't usually think of web programming Edward> as sysadmin'ing. To borrow Chris's metaphor, if I catch a 3-year-old with a running chainsaw, then I'm his Dad until I'm between him and the chainsaw ... then we go looking for a _responsible_ adult, hm. (More likely he cuts my legs off ... but that's the way it goes.) The sysadmin's job is system integrity. Anything that threatens that, whether it's some bozo suit with an overfull cup of tea or a buffer overrun in an extremely popular bozo web programming language or some bozo sysadmin in .tw with 27 owned boxen (all of them OpenBSD, hi, ayakat & jbyrne!) all lighting up syslog like Christmas on every port, that's his job. Edward> And while security is certainly relevant here, it's not a Edward> security list. We got bugtraq and the like for that. (And Edward> the volume there is nearly overwhelming...) And pretty much noise until you get pretty sophisticated, and even then sorting out what matters to you requires concentrated attention. Edward> <short rant> But newbiews love PHP 'cause it's easy.... Edward> One of my several beefs with PHP is that is seems to me to Edward> have been written from the point of view of providing Edward> people who have no idea what they're doing with a bunch of Edward> dangerous capabilities. The other languages may be more Edward> difficult to learn, but if you make the effort, hopefully Edward> you will have acquired at least some "clue" in the Edward> process. </short rant> Hey, _I_ wrote that ... <checks> oops, sorry again, I didn't. But I could have! Of course to be useful to a new webmin, you need to explain what "dangerous capability" means. But it's that kind of rant exactly that you _won't_ find on bugtraq because it's too "joshiki" to waste baud on (even on a T3 or better). And don't worry about not explaining the first time, because somebody will ask sooner or later. Edward> But why don't he talk about that here? Can't speak for Chris. His post is a little elliptical, you hadda be there ... and I'm not into explaining that today (and I missed a bunch of it, being from way outta town). Edward> And why don't you talk about development issues here? Have done, and Chris is right, that was back in the mid-Morgan and pre-Morgan era (although to me those are just dates). I think one of the things that happened to me was that I picked up a sort of paranoid fixation on Richard Stallman as the root of all evil (true, but beside the point, which is that he can't sing) and this really bizarre hallucination of Jamie Zawinski as the epitome of humor and taste (true, but he can't sing either, that's why he hires all the great bands and makes fun of rms), but I realized just in time how boring I was getting (just in time == before the median tlugger learned how to use a killfile), and shut up. There's just so many repetitions of the twisty prima donna story, all alike that a sentient being can take. Another thing that happens is that the technical stuff is so much more specialized, and the basic RPMs all work so well, that you just don't have to deal with Perl if you don't wanna. You can be a Pythonista, and do Mailman ("Rocks! Majordomo Sucks!") or TMDA ("Rocks! Spamassassin Sucks!") or Zope ("Rocks!" er ... I think the metaphor just broke down, or something). But a lot of the stories do involve a certain level of technical sophistication, and with people getting ever-farther from the metal and more specialized, you find yourself talking to yourself quite a bit even with people who _want_ to listen. Related to that, and one of the things which I think is really cool but my own project does in a very old-fashioned way is something that showed up in the original thread. And that is the way that modern systems are made up of cooperating agents. So you've got the RDBMS and you've got the Apache HTTPd and you've got PHP, and which one is driving the bus? Well, that kinda depends on what we wanna talk about today. You've got people specializing in the _interface_ between PHP and the RDBMS, and guess what? not good enough, you need to know browser too because you need to validate input on the way into the RDBMS (anything else is asking for serious Mission Impossible-style trouble) but you also want it in the browser to give the user a responsive, anticipatory UI---I can spray the buzzwords, as you see, but one just can't know details of _all_ the languages in the world anymore. I don't know these---so I shut up. But Emacs, well, Emacs drives the bus or things don't work very well. And that's not a modern paradigm. I'm not ashamed of it---it does its job---but typically it doesn't provide good parables for these more modern systems, so I can't even blow smoke when there's no substance. :-P Finally, this particular group has moved away from developer-driven development toward client-driven development, big time. The social dynamics are really different. I got this email today from some guy "with all due respect aren't all the Emacs and XEmacs developers a bunch of self-centered wankers? Doesn't anybody realize that this lack of unity is hurting your customers == users?" Well, Guy, ya got that first part right, but at root (sorry) we're all a bunch of them, ne? But ... a _purchase_ is a balanced exchange. Publishing free software is a unilateral contribution. OK, Guy, _read my lips: no customers, by definition._ It's _all_ about inter-developer dynamics at XEmacs or GNU Emacs; it can't be all that far from that in the major kernel dev circles. But people here are talking about their _jobs_ like all the time. So some of the stuff I used to talk about, you know the "herding cats" aspect, the ESR hacker anthropology stuff, would anybody here understand that? Dunno, but I don't see people talking about CatB and I don't notice anybody else missing Hiroo Yamagata, so.... Ciao, -- Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences University of Tsukuba Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN Ask not how you can "do" free software business; ask what your business can "do for" free software.
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] empty rows (PostgreSQL)
- From: Josh Glover
- Re: [tlug] empty rows (PostgreSQL)
- From: Edward Wright
- References:
- [tlug] empty rows (PostgreSQL)
- From: Ahmed Sarwar
- Re: [tlug] empty rows (PostgreSQL)
- From: Edward Wright
- Re: [tlug] empty rows (PostgreSQL)
- From: BABA Yoshihiko
- Re: [tlug] empty rows (PostgreSQL)
- From: Edward Wright
- Re: [tlug] empty rows (PostgreSQL)
- From: Josh Glover
- Re: [tlug] empty rows (PostgreSQL)
- From: Edward Wright
- Re: [tlug] empty rows (PostgreSQL)
- From: Stephen J. Turnbull
- Re: [tlug] empty rows (PostgreSQL)
- From: Edward Wright
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