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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]Re: [tlug] empty rows (PostgreSQL)
- Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2005 17:46:29 +0900
- From: "Stephen J. Turnbull" <>
- Subject: Re: [tlug] empty rows (PostgreSQL)
- References: <><><><> <><>
- Organization: The XEmacs Project
- User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) XEmacs/21.5 (chestnut, linux)
First, let me apologize for not finishing the thread before replying earlier ... I'm currently using a full-debug-enabled build of XEmacs and even over ADSL the response is, uh, painfully slow. Edward> Actually, my intention was to be kind and gentle and Edward> suggest that this is not the best place for that kind of Edward> question.... which I do believe. I think Ahmed would get Edward> answers that are much more useful to him on a list Edward> dedicated to beginning web programmers. I *could* have Edward> ignored the post, but I thought suggesting alternatives Edward> was more helpful. Ah, so we were "projecting". Speaking for myself, I would not have meant what you wrote "kindly and gently"! Sorry! You're still welcome to the drink. :-) Edward> But this was not in any way related to Unix...... (unless Edward> you consider that you can run PHP on Unix makes it Edward> relevant) Hmm ... I see it as relevant, but mostly because this list isn't really about Linux (which is a kernel) or even about the GNU System with Linux as the kernel, but about real sysadmin'ing for the masses. The thing that has always driven me up the wall about a certain set of not-so-new-bies is the lack of responsibility they advocate, or at least encourage by omission. I fend off some hundreds of script- driven crack attempts daily, I would be surprised but not shocked if on Monday I were to discover one or more of my machines had been owned. Exposing a database to the Internet via PHP is (last I heard) a fairly risky business---any of the usual scripting languages (Python, Java, even Perl) would be a better choice for a newbie. (Of course, I haven't paid much attention for a couple years---and you won't find any CGIs exposed to the general internet on my site for precisely that reason. Well, unless U Tsukuba firewall policy has gotten more lenient without warning. :-) But this is precisely the kind of thing that Linux (foremost among the easily available server OSes) makes easy to do. That's what this list is really about (that and how to wrestle Unix into docilely serving as a kinder gentler workstation OS, which I have no truck with---I think of GNOME as a dead rat some cat named Apt dragged in ;-). Ain't no kernel weenies here; ain't no device-driver weenies here ('ceptin' Chris, Best Beloved, and he don't talk about that here[1]); no language design weenies (anybody implemented an SLR parser generator recently? :-); only a few serious app developers. Really, Linux (or whatever your OSOS of choice) is about being an independent netizen. (We rank with Finland as having the highest per capita number of actually used registered internet domains.)[2] At least for most TLUGers. No? And (speaking for myself) that's what I would like TLUG to be about. Footnotes: [1] Poetic license, sure there are others. But I bet most TLUGers would have a hard time naming any! And they don't talk about that here, either, anyway. [2] A neat little factoid I just made up. I will disavow all quotes, of course. -- Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences University of Tsukuba Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN Ask not how you can "do" free software business; ask what your business can "do for" free softw
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] empty rows (PostgreSQL)
- From: Edward Wright
- References:
- [tlug] empty rows (PostgreSQL)
- From: Ahmed Sarwar
- Re: [tlug] empty rows (PostgreSQL)
- From: Edward Wright
- Re: [tlug] empty rows (PostgreSQL)
- From: BABA Yoshihiko
- Re: [tlug] empty rows (PostgreSQL)
- From: Edward Wright
- Re: [tlug] empty rows (PostgreSQL)
- From: Josh Glover
- Re: [tlug] empty rows (PostgreSQL)
- From: Edward Wright
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