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Re: [tlug] Followup on mutt and gpg

On Tue, 3 Sep 2002 00:38:54 -0500
Scott Robbins <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1

I am using Sylpheed 0.8.2.  Scott, since you applied the OE patch Sylpheed no longer recognises your mail as being digitally signed but puts crap like the above in the body.

> Now, here's what I find interesting. In a private email, someone pointed
> out to me that it isn't just mutt--he runs into the same issues with
> Sylpheed, Evolution and a few others.
> Also, testing what I have in the house, I found the same problem with
> Eudora on WinXP and Mac OSX's Mail program.  Which indicates that none
> of them seem to care too much about standards.  
> > 
> > Since the problem is really OE's, I ain't patching :-)
> And, sad to say, not just OE--see above.  1.5 is in beta, so it
> shouldn't be an issue for mutt users too much longer.  

Sylpheed recognises and checks the signature of Jonathon's, Josh's, Godwin's, etc  mail but no longer checks yours since you applied the patch.  It would seem that Sylpheed is not Microsoft compliant :-)

simon colston

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