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Re: tlug: PC-NFS, samba?

Scott Stone <> wrote:
>   On Sun, 13 Dec 1998, Jim Tittsler wrote:
>   > (The Samba project is planning to provide an equivalent facility in Samba
>   > 2.0 that is portable more Unixes beyond Linux. smbfs is not actually part
>   > of the Samba project.)
>   TL 3, which has Samba 2.0.0 in it, has this - it's called 'smbsh'.  It's
>   an overlay on top of your shell that lets you browse the local windows
>   network by going to /smb (aka kind of what amd does with /net, but not
>   quite the same).  Drawbacks are that it can take a long time for new
>   machines/shares to show up in /smb, but it does work.  just run 'smbsh'
>   and do it, no brain required, really :)

Hey, that sounds also interesting. I must check tomorrow in the office
whether there is already Samba 2.0.0 on the Redhat 5.2 Linux. 

If not, do you think I can use the Turbo Linux rpm?


Mike Fabian   
Termuehlenweg 2, D-40885 Ratingen-Lintorf, Telephone: +49(0)2102/893130

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