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Re: [tlug] OT: Japans digitilization

On Tue, Oct 06, 2020 at 05:21:13PM +1100, Jim Breen wrote:
> On Tue, 6 Oct 2020 at 16:45, Christian Horn <> wrote:
> > On Tue, Oct 06, 2020 at 01:01:15PM +0900, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> > > That's not what the American lawyers (not retained by Facebook) say.
> > > They think Facebook is almost ready to pull out of Europe after the
> > > recent decision knocking down the "safe harbor" device as not at all
> > > safe.
> >
> > Facebook tried a "we might leave Europe then!", but that was ob-
> > viously a bluff.  I would be surprised if they payed much taxes in
> > Europe.. so nothing to loose.
> They're threatening to pull out of Australia too. They and Google  are
> in a pother because the competition commission has drafted a set of
> enforceable guidelines under which they'd have to pay for items
> scraped from newspapers, etc. It's supposed to be a consultation about
> the draft, but their idea of consulting it to run banners on their
> pages saying that the sky will fall in, searches will stop working,
> etc. etc. Moi, I couldn't care much either way. I don't want money
> handed over to the Murdoch Shitocracy, but then I don't exactly
> support these creeps who charge us billions for advertising, then
> account for it offshore in low-tax havens. A pox on them all.

Not sure if identical, but that reminds me of the German
ancillary copyright ("Leistungsschutzrecht").  Most seem to think
that it resulted simply in Google and search engines stopping to 
index/link to pages which wanted money for their content.


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