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Re: [tlug] OT: Japans digitilization

Christian Horn writes:
 > On Mon, Sep 28, 2020 at 01:28:36PM +0900, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
 > > Christian Horn writes:
 > > 
 > >  > There is one good thing thou about it: if things are digitilized
 > >  > and go wrong, then not just money, but our data is at stakes here.
 > > 
 > > The data is *long* gone. [..]
 > Maybe.. the 'post privacy' fraction of people is big, but still I
 > oppose wherever I can (not that it would help much).

"Facts don't care about your [opposition]."

Or mine.  I'm a Facebook refusenik, on my phone my browser of choice
(except for a few government sites like JMA) is Firefox Focus, I use
lots of private windows (in Firefox), ....  But the reality is that in
my department alone, there are two-score MS students (some of them,
uh, Chinese) working with corporate databases containing PII, Yahoo! 
has already leaked a reasonable fraction of the world's address books,
Google has the rest and although Google systems get props from
security experts I respect, if Putin has something on Sergei Brin your
data could end up on Julian Assange's tomorrow.

Yes, we should do something about this going forward, but I really
can't see the vast majority of people (and that includes a lot of
people smart/skilled/connected enough to be in high office in business
or government) giving up the convenience that Google and Facebook
provide.  A lot of your PII is in *other* people's data -- that's the
gold that Google and Facebook are mining.  I could probably switch to
DuckDuckGo, but I can't really live without Google Scholar, and my
nowhere near as bilingual as me students can't really live without
Google Translate.  It's just not an easy problem morally, let alone


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