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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]Re: [tlug] Journals, Authors and 'Free Peer Review'
- Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2018 02:44:45 +0900
- From: Benjamin Kowarsch <>
- Subject: Re: [tlug] Journals, Authors and 'Free Peer Review'
- References: <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <>
One more thing ...And whether we like it or not, uploads to ArXiv can be
reported on a CV, but would have to fall under the
"Unpublished" category. I didn't say anything about
"hiding" it -- but we do have to call it what it is...and it
would be considered "Unpublished" or "Not peer-reviewed" by
many.I didn't say it would, but you were comparing it to a blog. My point wasthat it is closer to a published work than it is to a blog.If you take a look at articles on ArXiv you can often see there are severalversions as the authors are getting feedback and edit their work over time.This is a form of peer review. If you see there are revisions you can be fairlysure that this revision was initiated by some peer feedback.This is something a peer reviewed journal can never do. Once the article isin the journal, that's it. On ArXiv, many of the articles I have researched hadrevisions and often theses revisions took new developments into accountthat weren't known or available when the article was first uploaded.Generally, the mechanisms for quality assurance are all there. Just as is thecase with open source software published on public repos like Github, thereare examples where these instruments are used to their full potential and thequality is high, and there are those where it is just "dump and abandon". Justbecause somebody else uses Github in a dump and abandon manner doesn'tmean you shouldn't be using it properly, making use of all the tools availableto turn out an publish quality material, attend to it from time to time to improveit etc etc. The same applies to And just like people can very quicklyfigure out whether a Github repo contains quality or trash, so can scholarsquickly figure out whether an article on is quality or trash.What I would like to see on would be some sort of issue andfeedback tracker, like we have on Github, where people can post issues/comments, you then address those by editing your article and post a newrevision.This would make the site even more useful because instead of emailing alink to folks from whom you ask feedback and then doing it all by emailthey could just do it right on the issue/feedback tracker where it won'tget lost in the ever growing mailbox and where it can be seen by others.But this is likely going to happen at some point and such tools arelikely going to fill in the peer review, the boundaries will then be blurred.In fact, I would trust an article far more if I can see the history of feedbackfrom other authors in the field on such a tracker and the resulting revisionsthan I could ever gain in the peer review process of a journal.Mark my words, this is where things are going to go, eventually.regardsbenjamin
- References:
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- [tlug] Journals, Authors and 'Free Peer Review'
- From: Curt Sampson
- Re: [tlug] Journals, Authors and 'Free Peer Review'
- From: Benjamin Kowarsch
- Re: [tlug] Journals, Authors and 'Free Peer Review'
- From: Raymond Wan
- Re: [tlug] Journals, Authors and 'Free Peer Review'
- From: Darren Cook
- Re: [tlug] Journals, Authors and 'Free Peer Review'
- From: Raymond Wan
- Re: [tlug] Journals, Authors and 'Free Peer Review'
- From: Benjamin Kowarsch
- Re: [tlug] Journals, Authors and 'Free Peer Review'
- From: Raymond Wan
- Re: [tlug] Journals, Authors and 'Free Peer Review'
- From: Benjamin Kowarsch
- Re: [tlug] Journals, Authors and 'Free Peer Review'
- From: Raymond Wan
- Re: [tlug] Journals, Authors and 'Free Peer Review'
- From: Benjamin Kowarsch
- Re: [tlug] Journals, Authors and 'Free Peer Review'
- From: Raymond Wan
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