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Re: [tlug] Google Apps for Work

On Wed, May 11, 2016 at 09:31:52PM +0900, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> Christian Horn writes:
>  > Yes, but additionally seeing changes of others onthefly is nice.
> I'm with Curt on this one.  I've worked on systems where you can see
> other people's changes happening as you work, and it's a pain for me.
> Partly it's a distraction -- a cut-and-paste can take your own point
> out of the window (at least on one realtime wiki it happened to me).
> And it can be embarrassing if you're in the habit of writing 4-letter
> words in your drafts and then removing them for publication, as I was
> once privileged to watch. :-)  Finally, I might be about the worst as
> far as distraction goes.  I often write several lines, stare at them
> (or into space) for some minutes, write a completely revised version
> of the same idea, stare some more, delete the one I don't like, then
> tweak the one that remains.  I'd probably go nuts if I had to share a
> page with myself!

I can also imagine this less for sourcecode editing.
Yet in a distributed team, when you are discussing an issue
in a phone conference, beeing able to commonly modify a text-
file at the same time is quite valuable.

etherpad or google-docs have established as tools for this,
just having the functionality nicely backed in a git would 
be even nicer.


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