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Re: [tlug] Tokyo ISP Throttling? Why does my internet speed increase so much by setting up a proxy?

Fellow TLUGers, my practical note would be, you never know what are getting from connections, even from "NTT". Take for instance some major Japanese networks top on SpamHaus list of abused networks or checking the second-hand hardware options for resale in Akiba boasting some Micro$hit from 2001 inside. That's abuser heaven, don't you think?

Then, from personal experience on the road, consider outsourcing for your access point in the region, so to speak. In other words, "VPN" is becoming the norm anyway and acquire from service or run yourself a gateway access from a reliable connection upstream to keep going with crappy, abused "last mile" stuff at home.

You'll experience exactly what you're saying. Once you go through the "VPN", the connection normalizes. In your case, that's probably your neighborhood infected and the link cap on new connection requests but still with bandwidth available.

Well done, Micro$hit. It fuels the conspiracy theorist in me.
フェルナンド・G・シュヴァルツ ~ / # +55-21-4042-4010 [@GMT-3]

On 02/21/2016 11:30 AM, Jawaad Mahmood wrote:
However, today I setup a Squid3 proxy server on a cloud server I own.
When I connected to that (and connected my wife), all of a sudden all
sorts of slow / dropped connection problems went away.

I am utterly confused by this.  I have no idea how to troubleshoot it
either.  Is this the ISP doing traffic shaping?  The only time I've ever
had a problem like this has been when I was in China; really confused by
the whole thing.

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