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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] Tokyo ISP Throttling? Why does my internet speed increase so much by setting up a proxy?
- Date: Sun, 21 Feb 2016 23:30:17 +0900
- From: Jawaad Mahmood <>
- Subject: [tlug] Tokyo ISP Throttling? Why does my internet speed increase so much by setting up a proxy?
Gentlemen,I'm very confused about this.I am running NTT Flez Hikari to my mansion; it's slow as molasses. I originally thought it was because of our neighbours upstairs; "hogging bandwidth" on a shared line or something.
However, today I setup a Squid3 proxy server on a cloud server I own. When I connected to that (and connected my wife), all of a sudden all sorts of slow / dropped connection problems went away.I am utterly confused by this. I have no idea how to troubleshoot it either. Is this the ISP doing traffic shaping? The only time I've ever had a problem like this has been when I was in China; really confused by the whole thing.Any ideas on how I could debug this or test this would be appreciated; I am legitimately curious (and strongly considering ending my service; really, last time I had a connection this bad, I was using Sympatico from Bell in Canada).--
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] Tokyo ISP Throttling? Why does my internet speed increase so much by setting up a proxy?
- From: Raymond Wan
- Re: [tlug] Tokyo ISP Throttling? Why does my internet speed increase so much by setting up a proxy?
- From: lists
- Re: [tlug] Tokyo ISP Throttling? Why does my internet speed increase so much by setting up a proxy?
- From: Tim Osburn
- Re: [tlug] Tokyo ISP Throttling? Why does my internet speed increase so much by setting up a proxy?
- From: SCHWARTZ, Fernando G.
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