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Re: [tlug] Japanese Input - Kubuntu 12.04 LTS

On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 12:58 PM, Scott Robbins <> wrote:
Yes, I was able to get it working pretty easily on one install of Lubuntu
13.04 but not on another.  On the second one, I can only get it working in
urxvt, but not in Libreoffice or firefox.

OK, thanks.
On a 13.10 test lubuntu install same issue, I can only get it to work in
urxvt.  I also tried with mozc as opposed to anthy, same result.  I'm not
sure why this is, I don't have a problem with the RH based distros or

Yes: I believe this is a QT or ibus/d-bus (framework) issue, not an anthy (input method engine) problem. You would have
the same issue with any IME.


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