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Re: [tlug] Browser share in Japan?

Darren Cook writes:
 > >  > > The only thing that matters in open source (and free software, for
 > >  > > that matter) is release rate of the products you use. ...
 > Whereas the only thing that matters for web designers and developers is
 > the market share of IE6 ;-)

Hey, if web designers can get away with treating words that lightly, I
guess the reactors at Fukushima melted down out of disgust at the
state of the Intercesspool.  It's share of *something*, but calling
it "market share" just reveals the ignorance of the speakers.  There's
just no relevant meaning of "market" that I can see.

Your competitors who know better are likely to clean your clock
someday.  For example, calling it "market share" and applying it as
you do suggests that you believe that browser access rates are
proportional to click-through (unlikely) and conversions (more
unlikely).  Somebody who does an analysis without such preconceptions
might discover that in the market they care about, the 5% of users
still using IE6 are generating 20% of the revenues attributable to the
site.  Oops.

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