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Re: [tlug] Browser share in Japan?

I noticed firefox share is going down, at the expense of IE, in Japan:

Breakdown by browser version:

shows firefox 3.6 has plunged from 17.7% to 12.5% in one month; aha, it
seems firefox 4.0 has gone from 1.5% to 5.8%, but it is wrapped in the
"other" on that chart.
Drop in chrome 9 (-3.5%) is bigger than growth in chrome 10 (+2.8%).

So, it seems most churn is just from one version to another of the same
browser, but a few people are going from chrome 9/firefox 3.6 to IE8.

Or, another explanation: the total number of PC internet users in Japan
is growing, and the increase in IE8 share represents all the new
computers purchased.


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