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Re: [tlug] Browser share in Japan?

On 27/05/11 16:39, Darren Cook wrote:
  >  >  The only thing that matters in open source (and free software, for
  >  >  that matter) is release rate of the products you use. ...

Whereas the only thing that matters for web designers and developers is
the market share of IE6 ;-)

As a concrete example for me today, the 5% Japan share for IE6 allowed
us to go ahead with using transparent png for a logo, rather than having
to make a set of images each with a different background colour. If it
had been 10% the decision would likely have gone the other way.

This makes sense, of course. But one problem with designing web pages based on user-agent strings is that someone who doesn't use a compatible browser may not return to the web site again. Or may not send the link to their friends (who "probably" use the same browser). Actually, in my case, I would just give up and start up IE instead rather than complain to the web master (who would delete my complaint/suggestion anyway since it is worthless unless it came from their boss).

I suppose no metric is perfect...

Actually, as a Debian user, one annoying thing is when I go to a web site and it complains that their site is compatible with IE, Firefox, or Safari. Of course, I'm using Iceweasel... I think I sent a message to a web master the first time that happened; and now, I just give up and click "OK". :-)


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