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Re: [tlug] When is a line feed really a line feed? [SOLVED]

David J Iannucci writes:

 > Interesting... I wouldn't have expected this result, but hearing of it,
 > it *seemed* to make sense (what's more puzzling is what would have
 > possessed Steve to try it in the first place :-).

I haven't tried it.  Perl scares me. :-)

 > So I tried it myself (Steve's short form). Didn't work! My perl is
 > 5.10.1. Perl tries to execute my file as a program.  What version of
 > Perl does this work under?

Maybe you need some kind of no-op code to execute in a loop.
Something as simple as

    perl -i.bak -p -e "" input.txt

might work.

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