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Re: [tlug] The Android Has Landed

> No the speed of wi-fi for an update is irrelevant to me.  I just
> didn't want to be paying for the updates (which DoCoMo said can't be
> done via wi-fi).

If you are thinking about skimping on the unlimited data plan because
you think it's expensive you're very wrong.

The normal data plans are priced in a way so that using them to send a
few big emails and maybe browsing mobile mixi a few times a month
comes out to ¥2,000 - ¥3,000.  With their cheapest data plan we're
talking over ¥8000 for 10MB.  (At full 7.2Mbps that's just over 10
seconds).  I'm pretty sure I passed 10 megabyes within the first hour
I had the phone.

Back in 2005 a friend of mine in college accidentally racked up around
a ¥20万 bill from data fees.

Stick to the unlimited data plan.


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