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Re: [tlug] What's the deal with HTTP_ACCEPT? (Was: Wanna see my open source project?)

On Mon, 18 Aug 2008 12:31:06 +0900, "Edmund Edgar" <>

> Dave, are you sure you haven't got PHP sending warnings to the browser?
> Referencing non-existent array elements and passing null to a function
> that expects a string would usually generate a warning.


You want to take a look at your php.ini file and see what the
error_reporting value is.

On the systems I administrate it's set to E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE.

I think an OOTB setup of PHP5 sets it to E_ALL, hence the warning message
being spit out before the headers of the HTTP page can be sent out.

G. Stewart -

There are three types of people in this world:
 - Those who can count
 - Those who can't
                    -- Walter Dnes in NANAE, 2003-JUL-26.

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