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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]Re: work times & accommodation @tokyo, WAS: Re: [tlug] Embedded linux dev wanting to find work in Tokyo.. Seeking advice.
- Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2008 17:26:14 +0900
- From: jim grisanzio <>
- Subject: Re: work times & accommodation @tokyo, WAS: Re: [tlug] Embedded linux dev wanting to find work in Tokyo.. Seeking advice.
- References: <> <> <> <> <> <> <>
- User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080505)
Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:jim grisanzio writes:
> This is really sad. But I know quite a few people in the U.S. who have > worked themselves to death in one way or another (mostly in New York > where I used to live), so the Japanese don't have a corner on the > stupidity market with their 100 hour work weeks.
True in a sense, but I don't think you understand Japan or the
Japanese very well yet; it's not a matter of stupidity, here.
It's not that it's a matter of stupidity /here/. It's stupid /everywhere/. :) It's no less dumb in the U.S. or wherever else. If work is so unbalanced as to cause suicide or heart disease or stroke or broken families or alcoholism or injury than it's clearly not sustainable. I speak from a fair amount of experience in this. I worked myself right into the hospital and almost died as a result. I was 22. It took almost five years to recover. Fortunately, I'm much smarter now and can rationally and proudly reject the systems that lead such horrible experiences. Not fully understanding Japan is a completely separate issue.
Personally, I'm interested finding more efficient ways to work so I can increase the value of my work while reducing the hours I work. To me this is basic engineering and project management. Why would you produce a system any other way? Why would you build an engine that is so inefficient that it has to work so hard that it eventually kills itself?
Jim --
- Follow-Ups:
- References:
- [tlug] Embedded linux dev wanting to find work in Tokyo.. Seeking advice.
- From: Jon Povey
- work times & accommodation @tokyo, WAS: Re: [tlug] Embedded linux dev wanting to find work in Tokyo.. Seeking advice.
- From: Christian Horn
- Re: work times & accommodation @tokyo, WAS: Re: [tlug] Embedded linux dev wanting to find work in Tokyo.. Seeking advice.
- From: Niels Kobschaetzki
- Re: work times & accommodation @tokyo, WAS: Re: [tlug] Embedded linux dev wanting to find work in Tokyo.. Seeking advice.
- From: Curt Sampson
- Re: work times & accommodation @tokyo, WAS: Re: [tlug] Embedded linux dev wanting to find work in Tokyo.. Seeking advice.
- From: David Shanahan
- Re: work times & accommodation @tokyo, WAS: Re: [tlug] Embedded linux dev wanting to find work in Tokyo.. Seeking advice.
- From: jim grisanzio
- Re: work times & accommodation @tokyo, WAS: Re: [tlug] Embedded linux dev wanting to find work in Tokyo.. Seeking advice.
- From: Stephen J. Turnbull
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