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Re: [tlug] WiFi considerations

On 13/07/07, David Santinoli <> wrote:

Deauthentication/disassociation DoS attacks can be easily perpetrated
with a single PC.

I would not say, "easily". He can easily spoof the ARP stuff to grab my MAC, but then he will be kicked off it the next time my 'top sends a legitimate ARP request. So he's got to take my box down before he can realistically use my WAP. And that ain't gonna be easy for him.

I harbour no illusions about my chances against a determined attacker,
but against a wardriver? C'mon, there are two other hot connexions in
the clear with excellent signal strength from outside my house (which
is where that iwlist was run).

True, but even insecurity comes in different flavours and degrees.

Indeed. And I am secure in my knowledge that the flavour and degree of the security non-measures I have chosen protect me from my most likely adversary, the warwalker (no one wardrives in Tokyo, you'd be dead within five minutes of starting!).

The bad guys will soon discover these are actually honeypots and revert
in anger to your cell. ;-)

Damn my technically savvy お祖母さん neighbours! I think this bird lives next door:


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