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Re: [tlug] CJK Printing from Web Browsers in Debian 3.3.2

Josh Glover wrote:
On 10/11/06, Bart Mathias <> wrote:

Josh Glover wrote:

: Step 2a; for i in "${FIREFOX_PREFS}" "${THUNDERBIRD_PREFS}"; do
 cp "$i" "$i.BAK" cp "${MOZILLA_PREFS}" "$i" done [...]
The above would have left a prefs.js.BAK file, pre-modifications, in each directory.

They were there, but the prefs.js~ file was easier to convert, and older.

[...] *Now* shall we give up?

Tell you what: if you post all three prefs files in their original versions (i.e. before I had you run all of these commands) on:

and reply to this email with the URIs of each, I will have a look. Many eyes make all bugs shallow. :)

For Firefox and Thunderbird, I used the .BAK files mentioned above. I don't know whether line numbers are good or not, but I'll list the .nln. versions of the URIs. I hope this isn't copyrighted.

Mozilla Suite --

Firefox --

Thunderbird --


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