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Re: [tlug] I'm a glutton for punishment - Palm Pilot and Ubuntu Dapper LTS connectivity

On Thu, 27 Jul 2006 01:14:06 +0900, Dave M G <>

> Cool. Did you get it here in Japan? Biku Camera or somewhere similar? 
> Depending on price and availability, I may go all spastic and rush
> out and buy one tomorrow.

Errm... I live about 10,000 miles from Japan (in central France to be
precise), but I paid all of about 10 euros (roughly ¥1500) for it so I
wasn't overly worried about it not being supported. These things are

As a general rule, they *are* supported in Linux.

G. Stewart -

Honk if you hate bumper stickers that say "Honk if ..."

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