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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]Re: [tlug] Need purchasing advice for a linux compatible desktop
- Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 16:26:13 +0900
- From: Joseph Essertier <>
- Subject: Re: [tlug] Need purchasing advice for a linux compatible desktop
- References: <> <>
- User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7 (X11/20051013)
Wow! Big thanks to everyone for all the super useful advice! I realized this morning that with the digest mode of TLUG you don't get a digest right away. I turned that on and turned off the individual message function the other day because I thought that I don't need to receive all the messages instantly, but in fact, I haven't received any digests as far as I can tell, which makes me wonder if the digest mode even works. It probably does and I just don't understand how to use it (or maybe even what it is!), but... I wasn't able to read all the responses until just a little while ago, when I read them through the TLUG web page (of course after turning back on the individual message function, because I do want to get each and every message separately and immediately for the next week or so). Both Dospara and User's Side have been recommended by Edward and other generous folks, and they both sound good, but I'm leaning towards User's Side since I'm getting the impression that their service is a little better, and they might be able to help me with the compatibility questions. I'm not looking for a real high end machine, nor for an entry level one. Probably somewhere in the middle. But I'd like to minimize the time I spend hunting down hardware and finding out if a particular device is compatible or not (although I'll be honest and say I'm looking forward to it a little). It sounds like quite a bit of work to find out about compatibility for the various pieces of hardware before buying, but while I _am_ a former long-time Mac user who's used to things "just working" and going to the store and just saying, "Cool! I'll take this one," I'm determined to go open source as much as possible with my next "box." (Might as well start using that term. Ha! Ha!) The GNU/Linux software I'm using is mostly wonderful. Reading all the messages, the one point that has been driven home for me is to aim for generic hardware. Does anyone know the Japanese word for "generic hardware" by the way? I remember once trying to explain the concept of "generic food" once to a Japanese person without much luck. Something tells me that it will not be as simple as just looking up the word in my dictionary. As some seem to have accurately perceived, yes, I will be happy with non-bleeding-edge hardware, stuff that has been out there for awhile and is not fancy. So almost all the advice I'm getting sounds on target. After looking at the two web pages below provided by Edward, I became interested in two more options--"dual core" (cpu's?) and 64 bit processors. Does "dual core" mean that there are two cpu's? That sounds really cool. And is a 64 bit processor worth the investment and likely to be compatible in the future? I'm using Ubuntu on a G5 desktop (the first, slowest one that came out) at work, and it's really snappy in gnome. In some ways it's faster than in Mac OS 10. But Ubuntu was the only distribution I could find that a newbie like me could easily install on a G5, so I'm afraid that if I get a 64 bit processor I'll be limited in my choices of distribution in the future. Finally, I neglected to say my price range. It's quite wide, between 50,000 and 150,000 yen. If I can get a box that meets my needs without too much trouble for 50,000, then I'll do that. I'll spend as much as necessary to get one that has sufficient specs, because I'd like to use it for at least 5 years. Ideally it will be like our old iMac, which is still in frequent service after 8 years. (The kids use it). Thanks! Joe >1. >2. > > > > >
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] Need purchasing advice for a linux compatible desktop
- From: Joe Larabell
- Re: [tlug] Need purchasing advice for a linux compatible desktop
- From: Jim
- Re: [tlug] Need purchasing advice for a linux compatible desktop
- From: Alain Hoang
- References:
- [tlug] Need purchasing advice for a linux compatible desktop
- From: Joseph Essertier
- Re: [tlug] Need purchasing advice for a linux compatible desktop
- From: Edward Middleton
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