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Re: [tlug] Mic Problems

Josh Glover wrote:

>He is probably busy ignoring every mail you send from now on.
hardly think I've done anything that constitutes such a response, but, 
if he is, then he is. I can only do my best

>Mark, if someone is trying to help you, showing a little gratitude is
>probably a better way to ensure that they continue to try to help you.
now I'm truly confused, as I don't see where I actually said anything 
that was to the contrary

>Mauro suggested the following:
>>1. # alsactl store
>>2. edit /etc/asound.state. Set "Mic As Center/LFE" to "false".
>>3. # alsactl restore
>>4. Set your Mic to "Record"
>>5. Set Capture level high
yes, he did, and as I honestly stated, was confused. Googling is great, 
if you know what it is you're googling for. I was confused, hence, what 
the heck would I have googled for? (*update*, yes, saw what you wrote 
below, but, I still, after googling that, for all those many, many hits, 
am confused.)

>None of which I find especially puzzling. Basically, issue the command in (1):
mate, you're a programmer(Gentoo developer), I'm most certainly not of 
that level, or Mauro's level either. The part that confused me, was, 
whether I had to find a certain line, or add a new one, and I stated so. 
And I did state that I searched, a few times at that. I don't get how 
that can be assumed as non-gratitude. If someone attempts to help me, I 
appreciate it, fully.

>alsactl store   # you probably have to be root
>Now, using your favourite text editor (XEmacs, right?), open the file
>/etc/asound.state (you probably have to be root for this step, as
>well). If you find "Mic As Center/LFE", set it to "false". If you
>don't find it, add a new line, using the conventions contained in the
>file, that sets it to false.
>Run the command in (3), again probably as root:
>alsactl restore
>Now, using amixer or alsamixer, turn capture on for your mic. In
>amixer, you would do something like:
>amixer set Mic 100 capture unmute
I appreciate you running me through it, but, in all honesty, if I just 
new more of what it was I was supposed to do, per the actual file I 
opened, I woulda been fine(not flaming with that, just trying to 
explain, that I was trying)

>At least report the results of these commands. Alternatively, since
>Mauro's email helpfully included the phrase:
>>Problem with the CMI8738 ...
>You could try googling for something like this:
>Or maybe throw in a keyword such as amixer or alsa:
>Many hits, my friend. Many hits.
yes, and they all confuse me, Josh(sorry, but, true). I'm not a brainer 
at hardware etc(definitely my weakness). I am disappointed that you 
claimed I wasn't being appreciative of Muaro's attempt to help me. Cheers.

Mark Sargent.

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