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Re: [tlug] Mic Problems

On 17/01/06, Mark Sargent <> wrote:

> thanx Ian, but, I'm not too sure if that is my problem. I just tried the
> echo123 service from Skype, and failed miserably even with stopping
> esdctl as suggested by Evan. What I can't understand, is, there is
> definitely some form of sound making it from the mic to the speakers,
> when I blow hard into the mic.

A-ha! What is probably going on is that your mic is not set to capture
audio. Just because it plays back through the speakers does not mean
that it is getting snagged by ALSA. Try this:

amixer set Mic 100 capture mute

Note that now sound picked up by the mic will not be played back. This
is to prevent feedback. If you are using headphones, however, you can
unmute the mic:

amixer set Mic 100 capture unmute

You may also want to turn up the gain:

amixer set "Input Gain" 100

The gain control may actually be called something slightly different
that "Input Gain". If the command above does not work, just run amixer
with no arguments and search through the output for something that
looks like it controls input gain.

> What is even more demoralising, is, I've
> been talking up Linux to my family, who all use Windows, and they are
> now making fun of me(nothing new there) and my whole, "Linux is the
> best" philosophy. Help me to redeem myself, please(lol). Cheers.

Cannot help you here, but to say that I have learned the hard way that
boasting about the superiority of anything is a good way to ensure
that it will break mo sugu. ;)


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