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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]Re: [tlug] Linspire as a senior citizen's first computer... whatdoyou think?
- Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 07:53:38 +0900 (JST)
- From: "Micheal E Cooper" <>
- Subject: Re: [tlug] Linspire as a senior citizen's first computer... whatdoyou think?
- References: <><><><><><> <><><><> <>
- User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.3a-11.EL3
"JJJ3" <>: > Another solution would be to write a script that your father could run > by simply clicking an icon on his desktop that sent a message to an > email address of your choice containing the machine's current IP as > well as any other diagnostic info you wanted. Of the suggestions given, this sounds the most appealing to me. I am, as I have admitted many times, only a few toe-holds ahead ahead of shaved llamas on the Linux learning curve. Simpler is better, as a ddns client might introduce problems that appear only after I have left Mississippi. I have used ddns here, and I had problems about every few weeks. Since I leave in less than a week, I do not have time to do much research or preparation. In fact, the hardware problems are eating up more and more of my time. [ I have put together a frankenmachine from a plastic case and an old Gateway that I was not using, but for some reason, the CPU fan doesn't move. I have yet to let it get really hot, but the old case for this MB was a Gateway Performance, and it had a louve or duct coming from the power unit that fit over the CPU and cooled it, so it did not have a fan on top of the heat sink. The power unit cannot be used on this case because the unit is on the bottom, and the size is different, and the louve would not be over the CPU. I plugged the fan into three different fan pins, and it doesn't move. I tried a different fan from another PC... nothing. Is it possible to turn off the fan with jumpers? ] > This is the sort of thing I would certainly like to do for my own > parents, so I look forward to hearing about what you finally do. Well, I am not that advanced as a user, so I don't know that I will be much of a reference for you. However, my plans are as follows. Plan 1: 1- Get this frankenmachine and old external modem over there somehow. 2- Get him dial-up service with AT&T. 3- Set up a script that will do a ipconfig and email the results to me. 4- Get to MS, configure the system with bookmarks for his webmail, etc., then use Bart PE CD (which I made with my WinXP and my Ghost) to Ghost the installation to a second HDD, which I will leave unconnected in the case. 5- Leave a LiveCD with him. Plan 2: However, I might not be able to get the frankenmachine to him, in which case I will have to sell a kidney to buy him a Walmart Linspire PC (because it is a 300 dollar PC) and a 100 dollar monitor and just set him up with that. I was planning to take the frankenmachine over in my luggage, but with two big suitcases, a carry-on, a laptop backpack, and a cranky one-year-old on a 16-hour-long trip, don't need to be carrying a big midtower PC (even if it is plastic) that might break down a week after I return to Japan. However, in retrospect, having spent a lot of time thinking about and struggling with the problem, I think a broadband connection (if available) with a router to take care of the connection issues is essential. Another idea I considered was making a custom LiveCD by adding to a Knoppix or Damn Small Linux. I think I read that Knoppix or Puppy can save things to hdd, making it like a regular system. This sounds good to me for people like Dad, who are just going to be surfing the net and doing webmail. Little plug: Damn Small Linux is amazing. I tested it on a Pentium 90 (no, I am not missing a zero), and it jumps, skips, and flies. I will take the frankenmachine to the PO today to see if I can afford to mail it. (Of course, I will remove the power unit and HDDs.) Micheal
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] Linspire as a senior citizen's first computer... whatdoyou think?
- From: Walter Hansen
- Re: [tlug] Fans: Failure and Resuscitation
- From: Jim
- References:
- [tlug] Linspire as a senior citizen's first computer... what do you think?
- From: Micheal E Cooper
- Re: [tlug] Linspire as a senior citizen's first computer... what do you think?
- From: Micheal E Cooper
- Re: [tlug] Linspire as a senior citizen's first computer... what do you think?
- From: Godwin Stewart
- Re: [tlug] Linspire as a senior citizen's first computer... what do you think?
- From: Jake MORRISON
- Re: [tlug] Linspire as a senior citizen's first computer... whatdo you think?
- From: Micheal E Cooper
- Re: [tlug] Linspire as a senior citizen's first computer... whatdoyou think?
- From: Alain Hoang
- Re: [tlug] Linspire as a senior citizen's first computer... whatdoyou think?
- From: Charles Muller
- Re: [tlug] Linspire as a senior citizen's first computer... whatdoyou think?
- From: Micheal E Cooper
- Re: [tlug] Linspire as a senior citizen's first computer... whatdoyou think?
- From: Edward Middleton
- Re: [tlug] Linspire as a senior citizen's first computer... whatdoyou think?
- From: Micheal E Cooper
- Re: [tlug] Linspire as a senior citizen's first computer... whatdoyou think?
- From: JJJ3
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