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Re: [tlug] Japanese Encoding - which one?

Edward Middleton wrote:

Sorry don't have time to go into details but the mozilla version you are
using under linux will do utf8.  You just need to set the encoding.  If
you change the encoding in the metadata before loading then the encoded
characters will be converted to utf-8.  You will need to make some
trivial change in order to save it.

Thanks. I went through everything (and I do mean everything) under Preferences (Edit, then Preferences) and found several(!) places where UTF-8 could be set. I hadn't realized how compartmentalized Mozilla is. I should have known better - I've been using it for long enough. I fixed one page before going through Preferences:
- by bouncing it back and forth between Mozilla and OpenOffice. A quick test page thrown together with Mozilla seems to be in UTF-8. So far so good, and yet, I realize that I need to spend more time editing pages with text editors and less time with GUI stuff....
Thanks again,


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