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Re: [tlug] Free program translates Euro languages to/from English

Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:

I used to think so, but I've lost too many times on that.  I came to
the conclusion that that was a false dichotomy based on Western ways
of thinking.[1]  I think that in Japanese the burden rests on _shared_
understanding (aka joushiki).  This is why gaijin can only get so far
without "going native".  You can't speak Japanese; you have to live

Stephen - I once crossed swords with you and then (later) requested a
virtual handshake and then we had a real handshake at the... last
bonen-kai I think it was(?)..., but now I want to buy you a beer!
Buddy!  Friend!  Fellow long-term resident of Japan!  Going native...
it's why US companies will often advertise for "J-native only".  They
don't want the likes of you or me.  Actually understanding the culture
terrifies them - they will never (ever-ever) understand it, so someone
who does must be suspect as having "gone native" by definition of
understanding?  Is understanding really going native anyway?  And is
there something inherently wrong with going native?  I don't think so,

Ijo de gozaru!


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