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Re: [tlug] Hardware Issue

Quoth Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon (Thu 2004-07-15 11:17:44AM +0900):

> Compaq Computer Corporation FCC ID: GYUR86SK
> Model: SK-2860
> Compaq P/N: 122659-B36
> Spare P/N: 123130-B31
> (Why in the world there's a "spare" part number I have no idea, but 
> there it is.)

I used to be *the* Compaq certified repair technician for a smallish
computer company, so I can tell you:

The spare part number is what you use to order a replacement part for
non-warranty service. You can only use the Compaq part number for
warranty service. Sometimes the two numbers are the same, usually not.

What this means in practise is that you might get the wrong colour or
a slightly older revision when you use the spare part number. :)

Josh Glover

Gentoo Developer (
Tokyo Linux Users Group Listmaster (

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