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Re: Localhost connection refused

Thomas O'Dowd <> wrote:

     On RH 7.1, inetd is not used but rather xinetd is. So /etc/inetd.conf
     is the wrong file unless you are running inetd.

Just so you know your helpful advice is not going to waste, I think you 
are on the right track here and I'm close to getting it fixed -- but I 
have to get a Press Release written and off to the client before I can 
get back to finishing what I started last night. 

     # netstat -l -A inet
     Does it mention nntp or port 119? I assume this is the default port for
     this program to run on...
     If it is, you should be able to connect to it now. If it doesn't work,
     please tell us exactly what doesn't work and perhaps include log file
     output and the output of netstat/ps etc which should help us. You've
     been very vague so far just saying that you followed the instructions
     and its not working. Be more specific and then we will.

Well, I have given quite a bit of detail, but it's buried back deep in 
this long thread. <g> At this point, I have xindetd running and am 
trying to get its conf file set up correctly, following a combination of 
your instructions and those in the INSTALL file for leafnode (but 
substituting xinetd for inetd). But I have not succeeded in getting nntp 
or port 119 reflected in the netstat result for inet. This seems to be 
the crux of the matter, and I will continue experimenting later today.

John De Hoog, Tokyo        <>

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