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Re: RH 6.2 install causes screen to explode

> The second time around, I took the option of installing RH in expert
> mode. Perhaps there were one or two more questions, but anyway I wasn't
> asked anything about video (or any other aspect of hardware, for that
> matter) and again the screen turned white.
> After I press Ctrl-Alt-Del the screen briefly goes back into text mode
> and I see something about "Trident", "SVGA", etc., etc., but the damn
> thing reboots before I have time to write anything down.

There is a chance that the installer was examining your hardware and just
needed more time.  But there's also a chance that the installer set X to
drive your chip at a 70Hz refresh rate when the chip can only handle 60Hz.
To be on the safe side, I agree with the other person who said to use
"expert text" mode instead of just "expert".

> If you think I have adequate brainpower to proceed in my attempted
> escape from M$, suggestions on how to partition my paltry 1.4GB of
> single and unreplaceable hard drive would be welcome too. (How big a
> swap disk, etc.)

Your hard drive is replaceable.  I have a 3.2GB sitting unused now, and odds
are I will have a 6 and maybe an 8 and maybe even a 12 if the new 40's turn
out to be affordable.  The 12 is presently in use where the 3.2 used to be,
the 6 is presently in use where the 1.4 used to be, the 1.4 is presently 70%
in use and 40% wasted where the 120MB used to be, and the 120MB might still
be available too ^_^

If you and your machine want to visit Ome, contact me off-list.

Yours sincerely,
Norman Diamond

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