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Re: tlug: Final word on fish

>>>>> "wile y" == Chris Sekiya <> writes:

    wile y> "Welcome to the TLUG mailing list.  You aren't expected to
    wile y> know everything about UNIX prior to posting, but you _are_
    wile y> expected to be able to think."

    wile y> Too harsh?

On the morning after (DURING!???!) a nomikai?  C'mon, Chris!

I don't think I've caught you or Jim Tittsler out yet, but all the
rest of us have committed serious thinkos at one time or another.
Well, anyway, I can speak for myself.  But don't expect me to provide
any URLs.  :-)

"Able to think" --> "wanting to learn (as opposed to `just fixing'
whatever is currently keeping you from getting something done)".

Dou deshou.

And maybe a footnote to jwz's page.

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