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Re: [tlug] [OT] Say _no_ to the Microsoft Office format as an ISO standard

Roger Markus writes:

 > You too have a choice, you know.  The purpose of debate should be to
 > arrive at the truth, not to show the world what a champion debater you
 > are.  Everyone in the group knows that you are THE champion debater.
 > We know that.  Yo' the man!

Ad hominem trolling.  *sigh*

I continue to hope that you'll stop trolling, and engage in discussion
about what to do to make open source better, rather than pointless
ragging about the Evil Empire of Redmond and its Evil Ivory Tower
Academic minions.

 > Now let's get down to making this a better world by fighting bad
 > software companies like Microsoft and supporting freedom of choice
 > (Linux, etc.).

And how do you propose we do that if we don't analyze how Microsoft
acquired and maintains its power in more concrete terms than "the Dark
Side of the Force"?  Not to mention discussing what "freedom of
choice" can and can't really offer to the general public!

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