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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]Re: [Lingo] words with kanji in common
- Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2007 19:40:17 -0700
- From: steven smith <>
- Subject: Re: [Lingo] words with kanji in common
- References: <> <>
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Josh Glover wrote: > On 14/07/07, steven smith <> wrote: > >> Learning a foreign language is a difficult prospect. Modern >> teaching methods make it easier, of course, using approaches >> such as [...] the Natural Approach (mimicking >> how children acquire language by building listening skills >> and vocabulary before they start to produce speech). > > I question the effectiveness of this method, as children's language > acquisition "device" (to quote Chomsky--consider the device as literal > or figurative as you wish) switches off at a certain age (10-ish? > anybody remember?), so I think learning methods that mimic children > will not be effective for adults. Something similar I noticed last night is that watching Japanese films with English subtitles turned on -- I actually do understand the Japanese words better -- as though the English is enough of a hint that I remember the Japanese. I usually watch the fllms several times with various subtitles off/on/japanese/english and wonder if I might not be better off watching with English on a few more times. > >> The way information is organized is important, too. > > I could not agree more. Remember, I'm all about neural networks, as > any good Computer Scientist should be. :) I think the more connexions > you have to a word or piece of grammar, the more likely you are to be > able to recall it on demand. Agreed. > >> For example, one >> area of English that's especially challenging for foreigners >> are two-part idiomatic verbs, > > Also known as phrasal verbs. Thanks. > >> I knew about 物 (as in 着物, 食べ物, 飲み物). What other >> groups are there? > > Oh, tonnes--or "heaps and heaps", as Jim Breen would (presumably) say. ;) > > Many kanji can be used as suffixes. Here are some that leap to mind > quickly: > > 食:朝食、伴食、夕食、学食(学舌皛逅跂勉闕Ï押法△修梁\xBE > 化:悪化、強化、国際化、進化、自由化、電化、その他 > >> Is it worth writing a filter for edict to >> pull them out or has someone already done this. I think it >> should be a pretty easy perl script. If it hasn't been done >> before and anyone else is interested, let me know and I'll >> post the results. > > It should be really easy, viz: > > > > << Search >> the current dictionary for compounds of the selected > kanji: [Position: ( ) initial (o) any, Common words (EDICT) [x] ] > >> This looks like a useful approach to building vocabulary. I >> imagine this is old stuff for most of you but thought I'd >> share it anyway. um -- this finds word at front or anywhere. I should be able to just sort, create a hash based on last char if it's kanji and get a nicely ordered list. When I get the spare time of course :) It goes along with some other stuff I'm playing with anyway. > > Yes, it does. This is why good kanji flashcards have compounds on them. :) > Thanks Josh. Steve S.
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- Re: [Lingo] words with kanji in common
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- [Lingo] words with kanji in common
- From: steven smith
- Re: [Lingo] words with kanji in common
- From: Josh Glover
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