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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][Lingo] words with kanji in common
- Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2007 06:59:20 -0700
- From: steven smith <>
- Subject: [Lingo] words with kanji in common
- User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070604)
This was snipped from another mailing list I subscribe to from ====================== Learning a foreign language is a difficult prospect. Modern teaching methods make it easier, of course, using approaches such as the Communicative Method (learning using communication-centric activities rather than, say, rote memorization of grammar) or the Natural Approach (mimicking how children acquire language by building listening skills and vocabulary before they start to produce speech). The way information is organized is important, too. For example, one area of English that's especially challenging for foreigners are two-part idiomatic verbs, which embed complex meaning in very simple words, and it makes sense for students of English to tackle these problems as a group. What's the difference between sleep over or oversleep? Act up and act out? Aredrop in and drop out opposites? I had a Japanese friend who drank too much andproclaimed she was about to "throw off" -- then she couldn't understand why everyone was rolling on the floor laughing at her goof. Grouping linguistic concepts can help for students of Japanese, too. For example, a lot of words in Japanese incorporate "no ko" (child of...) and it can help to learn these together. A mushroom is a "kinoko" (child of a tree), bamboo sprout is "takenoko" (child of bamboo), caviar/fish roe is "kazunoko" (child of cod), and the powdered vinegar you sprinkle over rice when making sushi is known as...."sushinoko" (child of sushi). Learning them together like that makes them more likely to "stick" in your brain. ============= I knew about 物 (as in 着物, 食べ物, 飲み物). What other groups are there? Is it worth writing a filter for edict to pull them out or has someone already done this. I think it should be a pretty easy perl script. If it hasn't been done before and anyone else is interested, let me know and I'll post the results. This looks like a useful approach to building vocabulary. I imagine this is old stuff for most of you but thought I'd share it anyway. Steve S.
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