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Re: tlug: Cygnus and Red Hat to merge

Do you think this related to Laser5 dumping RedHat earlier this year?

Someone had requested a translation of an ASCII article a while ago on the list,
and I responded to them privately and ended up translating the article.

It turned out to be a very candid explanation by Kubota-san (Laser5 President)
about why Laser5 split off from RedHat.
If anyone would like the translation or wants it posted somewhere, please let me


"Stephen J. Turnbull" <> on 99/11/16 15:17:30$B$KJV?.$7$F$/$@$5$$(B

cc:    (bcc: Atlas21 Shawn/OIPQA/Canon Inc/JP)
$B7oL>(B: tlug: Cygnus and Red Hat to merge
This announcement came via FSB last night; apparently it's all over /.
I guess I have to go look at /.  Arggh.

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Subject: Red Hat and Cygnus unify
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1999 07:47:20 -0500

Today marks a significant day in the history of Cygnus, Red Hat, Free
Software, and open source software.  Both Cygnus and Red Hat have long
admired each other's organization and innovative leadership in
engineering, promoting, and maintaining Linux software.  We are both
proud of the fact that the software developed and maintained by our
companies has become fundamental to the free software and open source
communities, and is becoming fundamental to the larger commercial
markets as well.  We are also mindful of the fact that we did not get to
this point alone.

Having spent a lot of time over the past few months contemplating and
discussing a possible merger, we have amicably and willingly signed a
definitive agreement to merge.  To say that we are excited about the
possibilities is the understatement of the decade.  We believe that by
enabling developers from both companies to work together more closely,
with a common and larger purpose, we can drive the open source
revolution faster and further than otherwise would be possible.

We hope you will continue your support of both organizations as one and
help us move open source even further.  Please don't hesitate to email
myself or anyone else you know at either company if you have any
questions, concerns, or suggestions about how we can make this merger a
Good Thing for everybody.

Donnie Barnes
Michael Tiemann

University of Tsukuba                Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences       Tel/fax: +81 (298) 53-5091
What are those two straight lines for?  "Free software rules."

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