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Re: Samba2.0TL on RH5.2 (was tlug: PC-NFS, samba?)

Oops; I see on their server that Samba2.0.0-981204TL.i386.rpm is in
/pub/turbolinux-3.0-updates/i386/ (dated Dec 4th - not new as of yesterday)
while Samba2.0.0-981029TL.i386.rpm is still in

I'll give the older package a try again...


Sean Bennett wrote:

> Hey - I had Samba2.0.0-981029TL.i386.rpm up and running yesterday [...] Then I
> realized that between yesterday and today PHT has upgraded their Samba2.0 to
> Samba2.0.0-981204TL.i386.rpm.

Sean Bennett      < >
Nnet/Nakamura Shoji Co. Ltd.
N-Bldg. 2Flr.;  1-12-24 Minami Odouri,
Morioka City, Iwate,
Japan;        020-0874

Tel:    +81 19-629-2250
Fax:    +81 19-629-2234
PHS:    060-133-1080

Next Nomikai: 14 January 1999, 19:30 Tengu TokyoEkiMae 03-3275-3691
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