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Re: tlug: Beginner Q: rpm's and xemacs

Jim Tittsler suggested:
>rpm -ivh --nodeps xemacs-whatever.rpm
>rpm -Uvh xemacs-static

This worked! Well almost - there was a shortcut called "xemacs" that
pointed to the dynamic version not the new static version, but it worked
once I replaced that shortcut.

I still can't really use it though, because the top of the window is at
y=-151. I can resize it, but can't find a way to move the window down. Is
it possible? Or can I change the default window position and size?

I think this is a problem with my X setup. I couldn't find a device driver,
so I've been using standard VGA (640x480, 16 colours; it reminds me of
Microsoft Windows 2.0 :-). So the screen is small.

Also, unrelated but: I'm using xdm to start X windows (xstart and X don't
work). But how do I shutdown safely? When I choose quit it goes back to the
X login prompt. I've been switching off there, but it mutters to itself
next time I reboot.

Sorry for the never-ending stream of questions.


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