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Re: tlug: Newcomer...

On Thu, Jun 04, 1998 at 11:21:23AM +0900, Marcus Metzler wrote:
> merchandise before you buy, in contrast to the cheaper shops, where
> you can just see the boxes. That`s probably what makes the difference
> in price. If you haven`t been to Akihabara before it is probably
> pretty hard to find the really cheap shops. You should get someone to
> go with you and show you around.

Another plug for the Tokyo PC Users Group...  :-)
One of our members has been shopping in Akihabara quite a while, and has
started leading occasional, informal walking tours of his favorite shops
(and his hints on which to avoid).  Others along tend to chime in with
their pluses and minuses as well.  The next tour is Sunday, June 21 at

Jim Tittsler, Tokyo     ICQ: 5981586   AIM: Jim7J1AJH

Next TLUG Meeting: 13 June Sat, Tokyo Station Yaesu gate 12:30
Featuring Stone and Turnbull on .rpm and .deb packages
Next Nomikai: 17 July, 19:30 Tengu TokyoEkiMae 03-3275-3691
After June 13, the next meeting is 8 August at Tokyo Station
Sponsor: PHT, makers of TurboLinux

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