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Re: tlug: New Server Hardware

On Wed, 25 Feb 1998, joem wrote:

> Hi All,
> > Anyway, let me know.  The upshot is, though, that we'd need a
> > motherboard that's capable of addressing an IDE drive of that size -
> > some of the older 486 boards can't do it.  Preferably the BIOS should
> > also support LBA, so we can get LILO working on it as well.
> OK - I'll donate my old (beloved but recently neglected) P75
> mini-tower for the TLUG server.   I never have time to use it these
> days anyways.  I'll post the specs on it tomorrow.
> Also, on the UPS issue, our company has an extra UPS which we were going
> to throw away when we move buildings.  It will give about 5 minutes
> service during an outage.  It has a small footprint and the tower
> can sit on top of it.

Good - I'm not sure how much more draw my BkPro 500 will handle.  It's
already got a server, a router, and 2 hubs on it..

Scott M. Stone <,>
Linux Developer/Systems Administrator for Pacific HiTech, Inc.

Next TLUG Nomikai: 11 March Wed 1998 Tengu TokyoEkiMae 19:30
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